Workers’ Compensation in the Oil and Gas Industry

Work in the oil and gas industry has exploded in recent years due to the introduction of fracking. This process has allowed for more efficient extraction of oil and gas. Unfortunately, the efficiency may come at a cost to the employees. With the increase in fracking has also come a corresponding increase in the amount…

Take Home Diseases

Workers working around chemicals can bring home a lot of problems to their families. Besides having a heck of a laundry load or dry cleaning bills, such workers can bring home work-related diseases to their loved ones. Although it can happen whenever chemicals or residue is present on a worker, the most common lawsuits have…

Warning Signs in Slip and Fall Accidents

Those who are familiar with wet and icy weather know to tread carefully when entering into establishments.  As a result of increasing litigation, many establishments are posting warning signs alerting customers of potential places for injury in parking lots, open fields, and around business establishments. Warning signs have been helpful in reducing the liability businesses…