Telematics in Automobiles

Insurance companies are eager to offer their newest technology which purports to provide more accurate insurance pricing. This new device, called a telematic, is inserted into the vehicle and will track driving activities like braking and mileage. Tracking this information for an individual will allow the company to set insurance policies based on the specific…


The tort of defamation may be one of the hardest to determine. It really is a “you know it when you see it” type of tort, to quote the Supreme Court. The issue is rapidly evolving as language and culture change and there is always a need to balance this tort with free speech rights…

Traffic Accidents with Animals

No matter whether you live in an urban or rural environment, it is imperative for motorists to watch for animals on the road.  Construction of new communities in America continues to deplete the natural forest habitats of many wild animals, forcing the animals to move closer into developed communities.  Some studies estimate vehicle accidents with…