Taking the following steps can help make the entire claim process easier on you and increase your chances of receiving the compensation to which you are entitled.

  • Write down every detail of the incident as soon as possible.  Include things such as where the incident occurred, what you were doing, where you were going, the people you were with, the date and time, the weather, what you saw, what you heard, what you heard other people say, and any other conditions or facts you can remember.
  • Preserve or document any physical evidence relating to the accident. Examples include a worn or broken stair that caused a fall, a dent in a car showing where it was hit, or an overhanging branch that blocked visibility on the bike path. Taking photos is a great way to document injuries and preserve other evidence that may be hard to save.
  • Document any injuries resulting from the incident, and their effects. Write down all of the injuries incurred and keep daily notes of all the discomfort your injuries cause, including pain, anxiety, loss of sleep, or other problems, no matter how minor or unimportant they may seem to you. Report all of this information to your doctor or other medical care providers when you receive treatment.
  • Note any losses incurred as a result of the accident or its effects. Begin keeping notes immediately after the accident about losses incurred due to your injuries, including lost work hours or job opportunities, missed meetings, classes, or events (including family or social gatherings), cancelled vacations, or anything else in which you were unable to participate in because of the accident.
  • Consult a personal injury lawyer. Seeing a qualified lawyer as soon as possible can make the claim process much easier to navigate.
  • Notify your insurance company. Notify your own insurance company if your lawyer advises you to do so. Most policies require people to notify the insurance company within a reasonable time after the accident in order to collect under the collision coverage, repair the car, collect medical payments, or collect under the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.Notify your insurance carrier even if your claim is against the person who caused the accident and you do not intend to file a claim under your own policy.
  • Document conversations you have with others about the accident or your insurance claim. Make written notes of the date, time, people involved, and contents of every conversation you have about your accident or claim. Immediately after any conversation, send a letter to the parties involved confirming what they told you.


If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact David K. Kremin & Associates, PC at 1(800) ASK-A-LAWYER or 1(800) 275-2529.

Always a FREE consultation, and never a charge until we win your case. CONTACT US >>