Litigation related to mesothelioma injuries and property damages has been claimed to be the longest-running mass tort for lawyers in U.S. history. Since the asbestos-related disease has been identified by the medical profession in the late 1920s, workers’ compensation cases were filed by lawyers and resolved in secrecy, with a flood of litigation starting in the United States in the 1970s, and culminating in the 1980s and 1990s. As many of the scarring-related injury cases have been resolved, lawyers continue to fight the litigants hard in Chicago and elsewhere, mainly in individually-brought cases for terminal cases of asbestosis and cancers or sometimes surgery.

Lawsuits were first filed around 1929, after that date, lawsuits have been filed against asbestos manufacturers and employers for neglectfully neglecting to put forth safety measurements after the links of asbestos and cancer became known.

Many lawsuits have resulted in significant settlements and verdicts in that the disease is irreversible and permanent in most cases. Increasing success of plaintiffs for these claims in the United States, include more than 6,000 defendants. Over 600,000 documented asbestos related claims have been filed to date. A current trend is that people who are diagnosed with this cancer continue to increase due to the long latency periods commonly associated with the asbestos disease. There have been some estimates that claims relating to this cause have exceeded 200 billion in the United States. In relation to manufacturers’ knowledge, companies that manufacture products of asbestos have known for over 60 years that asbestos can cause serious diseases. In that manufacturers of this product want to increase their profits, the hazards were kept from the public eye. This resulted in workers being put in very risky situations. However, laws has been enacted which protect workers who have been harmed by the exposure.

What Are My Legal Rights If I Have Been Diagnosed With Mesothelioma?

Many companies have set up Trust funds to pay victims of mesothelioma. These funds can help with medical bills and other expenses.

In the past many decades, many manufacturers of asbestos have declared bankruptcy. However, bankruptcy in itself does not mean the company is out of money. Most of these asbestos companies who declared bankruptcy do so to reorganize and become stable and a fund is usually created. These funds provide compensation for victims of this cancer. Our lawyers can determine which company may be responsible for the injuries.

Of course, litigation is an option and is based on the negligence of the manufacturer who knew of the hazards but did not warn the worker.

Damages include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Loss of income;
  2. Pain and suffering;
  3. Medical expenses;
  4. Loss of love, services and sexual relations from a spouse, known as loss of consortium.

If you believe you have been exposed to airborne asbestos, you may be able to file a claim for workers compensation or veteran’s benefits. These claims can be very complex, which is why it is imperative you contact this law firm.

Unfortunately, many claims result in the victim dying, and the family would file a wrongful death case against the responsible party. If you are not a worker, you could have been exposed to asbestos if someone you lived with was exposed to it.

Our law firm promises we will secure for you the highest ranked lawyer we can find with 20-30 years of experience. If you or a loved one has mesothelioma cancer, please contact our law firm immediately to protect your rights. Call anytime for your free consultation at 1(800) ASK-A-LAWYER or 1(800) 275-2529.